Provincial Offences

Provincial Offences

Act on Provincial Offenses 

The Provincial Violations Act (POA) is a provincial act in Ontario that establishes procedures for prosecuting offences under various provincial statutes and regulations, as well as municipal bylaws. Municipalities are responsible for the administration of courts hearing Provincial Offences Act cases and the prosecution of certain POA cases on behalf of the Attorney General under a Memorandum of Understanding.

Offenses committed at the provincial level

Provincial offenses are non-criminal offenses that include, but are not limited to, the following:
⦁ The Highway Traffic Act prohibits speeding, negligent driving, and not wearing a seatbelt.
⦁ Compulsory Automobile Insurance Act – Failure to Surrender Your Insurance Card or
⦁ Possession of a False or Invalid Insurance Card Liquor Licence Act – being inebriated in public or selling alcohol to a minor
⦁ Trespass to Property Act – accessing restricted premises or failing to depart premises after being asked to do so Selling tobacco to a person under the age of 19 or smoking in a confined workplace (Smoke Free Ontario Act)
⦁ Violations of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, the Ministry of the Environment, Transportation, Natural Resources, Labor, or Finance Municipal noise, zoning, and parking bylaws

The majority of provincial offenses end in out-of-court fines. People who receive a ticket under the Provincial Offences Act should read it carefully to learn about all of their alternatives. Who has the authority to impose Provincial Offence Notices. In Toronto, there are a variety of enforcement organizations that can issue you a ticket, including:
⦁ Enforcement of City Ordinances
⦁ Toronto Fire Department
⦁ Toronto Police Department
⦁ Provincial Police of Ontario
⦁ Transportation Ministry
⦁ Environment Ministry
⦁ Department of Labor Natural Resources Ministry
⦁ Ministry of Health and Human Services

The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board is a government-run organization that promotes workplace safety Take the bus.

Notices of Provincial Offenses (tickets)

Provincial Offence Notices are divided into three categories: 

  1. a ticket given to a single person 
  2. arking citations
  3. a summons (including a court date)

The Procedure for Receiving an Offense Notice (Ticket) The defendant has three options after receiving an offense notice (ticket). Payment of a fine results in a conviction. Pleads guilty with an explanation and is found guilty — a conviction is recorded. Attends court to file a request for trial and/or meet with a prosecutor (must complete a Notice of Intention to Appear). Limitation of Time You have 15 days from the date you get an offence notice to choose one of the choices listed above. If you do not answer, it will be assumed that you do not fight the allegation.

If you do not exercise one of the aforementioned alternatives within 15 days, or if you do not appear for your trial, your case will be reviewed by a Justice of the Peace, who may convict you in your absence.
Courts for Provincial Offenses: accept payment of fines for provincial offenses (except parking fines) Trials for Provincial Offenses are scheduled and supported, perform services at the intake court (e.g. walk-in guilty pleas, re-opening applications, extension of time to pay, etc.) provide details on how to file an appeal Orders for official court transcripts are received and processed, oversee the filing of matters under the Provincial Offences Act, including appeals give information on Provincial Offenses to the public via mail, e-mail, phone, and in person.

If you receive a ticket that isn’t a parking ticket (such as a speeding penalty), the reverse of the ticket will outline your alternatives. There are two kinds of tickets available. You have three alternatives if you obtain the first type (Form 3): 

  • Pay the exact sum listed on your ticket as a guilty plea. 
  • Go to the court office listed on the ticket and enter a plea of guilty and make any necessary submissions regarding the penalty (including the amount of fine or how much time you have to pay). 
  • Request a trial period. Information on how to schedule a trial date can be found on the back of your ticket.

The second choice is different if you receive the second form of ticket (Form 4). By checking a box on the ticket, you can request a meeting with a prosecutor. You will then be notified of the meeting’s date and time. You do not give up your right to a trial by meeting with the prosecutor; nevertheless, you may be able to conclude the case. A withdrawal of the charge or an agreement in which you plead guilty to a less serious charge are two options for resolution. You may be judged guilty if you or someone acting on your behalf fails to attend the meeting or the court date set after the meeting. If you obtain the first form of ticket, you may be entitled to meet with a prosecutor. If you want to speak with a prosecutor about your case, contact the court office listed on your ticket as soon as possible.

You have two alternatives if you receive a parking ticket: 

  • Pay the full amount on your ticket as a guilty plea. 
  • Request a trial period. Information on how to schedule a trial date can be found on the back of your ticket. 

If you have any issues concerning a parking ticket, please contact the address listed on the ticket. You may be judged guilty if you receive a ticket and do not perform one of these things within 15 days of receiving your ticket, or if you or someone on your behalf fails to appear in court for your trial. If you receive a summons, you must appear in court at the time and location specified on the summons. If you or someone representing you fails to appear in court on a trial date, a warrant for your arrest may be issued, or your trial may proceed without you. You may be convicted and sentenced if your trial proceeds without you.

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